Site icon Qualitur Cabo Verde

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Full day tour (North&South)

History & Tasting of local products - Sal Rei

Whales watching boat

Jeep Safari


Sal island

Full day island tour

Catamaran Sodade - Sailing in Palmeira

Buggies in the desert

Dinner "Traditions of Cape Verde"

Santiago - City & Culture

Santiago island tour

Trekking Ribeira de Principal / Serra Malagueta

Hike Pico d'Antonia

Half day - Paúl

Discovery of Santo Antão island

Hike Cova/Paul

Trekking in Paúl Valley

Mindelo Citytour - Culture & Tasting

São Vicente island tour

Calhau vulcano crater

Hike Farol D. Amélia


Qualitur made all the booking of plane and ferry tickets, hotels and transport for our 10 day round trip from Sal to Fogo, S. Vicente and S. Antão. Everything worked smoothly and we had a wonderful trip in every way. Thanks to Qualitur for all the help!

Michaela Sharman (

We did a day tour of Fogo and the volcano. This was a fantastic tour, so interesting and our guide Albino was a great guide, very informative. We definitely recommend this.

Piter Spinola

I really appreciated your communication with me during the trip, particularly getting the upgrade back for me.... I had an absolutely fabulous time. I was traveling with my friends . You did an AMAZING job on this, my friends and I have already told people about you and your help. Tell your staff I appreciate it

Deborah, Marine et Pauline

Qualitur nous a organisé, de l'après-midi pour le lendemain matin, une excursion au Pico do Fogo pour 3 comprenant : le transport depuis Sao Filipe (départ 6h), le guide pour l'ascension du volcan et le retour à l'heure de notre choix. Tout était parfait, nous recommandons !

Jorge Mota

Reservamos 2 días seguidos la excursión de visita a Chã das Caldeiras y el volcán, y el tour a toda la isla el día siguiente. En ambas excursiones nos acompañó Claudio, el mejor guía que podíamos haber tenido. Hizo su mejor esfuerzo para que nos sintieramos cómodos, nos explicó muchas cosas de la isla con un amor y una pasión que también sentimos Fogo como nuestra. Todo en español. Una experiencia maravillosa, en resumen.

Raúl Rosa

Great knowledge staff

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